Thursday, September 17, 2009


There are a couple of things I need to get off my chest.

First of all, related to the recent Joe Wilson outburst during the President's address to Congress... IT WAS WRONG. I'm sorry, I don't care whether or not you support the president or if you support the health care bill, you just DO NOT disrespect the president like that! Who the FUCK do you think you are? And now people are praising him and glorifying him? Why, why, why would people do that? The outburst is even more ridiculous when you consider the fact that ALL the various versions of the proposed health care bill actually specifically exclude illegal immigrants. So it was Joe Wilson that was lying in the first place.

Actually, what gets me about the whole dynamic about the health care debate is that it seems as though every day I hear about something that is FLAGRANTLY untrue about the health care bill. Like the whole "death panel" thing that is untrue. And now the illegal immigrant thing that is untrue. And there was that commercial about how women with breast cancer were gonna die more, which is UNTRUE. It's 100% scare tactics and it really. really. bothers me. It kinda makes me think that there are some people in our country who don't want health care reform from Obama - no matter what is proposed.

Second of all, I hate this particular group of kids in my class who seem to think it's ok to talk through all the lectures and to leave before the professor is done speaking. Now, I understand if you need to be somewhere and the professor has gone over by like, 15 minutes, but you do NOT need to leave the MINUTE the class is supposed to be finished. Where do you need to go that's soooo important? And you can't sit there and complain that you don't understand him if you can't sit there and listen! It's all so disrespectful. These are professors who spend their lives studying the material that they're presenting. They are smart and extremely knowledgeable. I just want to turn around and scream in their faces, "Shut the FUCK up or fucking leave, you pricks."

Monday, September 7, 2009

A TRUE milestone

A shout-out to a couple of my very favorite people in the world! Your wedding was beautiful and reminded me of all the important things in life: friends, family, and love. It sounds so cliché, but it's so true. I would've regretted for the rest of my life had I stayed home just to study for biochem, lol.

I think a marriage is a true milestone, a real "beginning of the rest of your life." Something as silly as beginning medical school should hardly count. I hope your journey is fabulous and your lives extremely prosperous!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Omg, the test is when??

Is it totally weird and just me, or do very many people find that as test time approaches, their ability to concentrate and learn material seems to decrease? Apparently, I have been plagued with the curse that as the test day approaches, I am motivated to study less, and less.

It must be a psychological thing. Something along the lines of: I'm scared of the test and therefore I wish I could put it off. Studying means I'm actually confronting the test and preparing for it. Not studying would be pushing it away and believing it doesn't really exist. Or something.

Sometimes I get freaked out by talking to other people. This isn't necessarily because I don't know the information, but somehow, my brain doesn't "click" as fast as theirs so by the time they've already moved on to the next bit of information or whatever, I'm still trying to decipher whatever they just said. And then after getting freaked out, I supposed studying scares me.

Not that I don't WANT to study. Studying is good. But then I look at my notes and flashcards, and 30 minutes later, I realize that I have not studied anything at all. Wonderfully productive, isn't it?

First test on Friday!

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What I'm studying now: Abductor pollicis longus