Monday, May 17, 2010

Really Need to Vent

I really need to vent because I haaaate my school sooooooo much. I have kind of despised it all year but now they're REALLY going to hear it from me.

**Warning** there is a lot of profanity in the following

1. What the FUCK is up with our "packets" of information. They are DISORGANIZED, completely USELESS, environmentally UNFRIENDLY, piles of SHIT. Everything provided in the packet is online. A lot of the packet information is wrong (dates, times, lecture slides). Most of it is completely worthless (dates, times, lecture slides). And it is ENTIRELY USELESS. There is not one useful thing in the packet that I could not find somewhere else. Whoever put these pieces of shit together need to be fired. I need to find a paper recycling place so that I can get rid of it. OH WAIT, I live in NEW FUCKING ORLEANS where saying I'm going to recycle is like saying I'm going to go live on the moon.

2. What the FUCK is up with our professors. People who cannot write questions worth SHIT (ie: horrible parameters, questions that test our ability to READ the question rather than test our knowledge of the material, etc), who cannot teach for their LIVES ("this should be obvious, right? i mean, just trust me here on the math." HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT THE TOPIC IF I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE MATH. wtf!?!??!

3. What the FUCK is up with our ridiculous team-based learning "classes." Am I really supposed to retain things when I go to these ridiculous "workshops?" The only thing I retain is that I'M ANNOYING I'M NOT AT HOME STUDYING FOR SOMETHING THAT MATTERS. Instead, I'm spending 30 minutes out of the hour WAITING FOR PEOPLE TO CLICK THEIR ANSWER CHOICES. WTF is that!?? JUST CLOSE POLLING ALREADY.

4. What the FUCK is up with the whole putting-tests on computers idea. Fine, it might be a good idea... IN THEORY... WHEN YOU DON'T TRY TO FUCK YOURSELVES OVER. First, they don't standardize the computers. Second, they're making PC-owners take the computerized version and making MAC-owners take the written version. Um, wtf??? Third, you have to have internet connection to take the test... AND OUR SCHOOL HAS NOTORIOUSLY UNSTABLE WI-FI CONNECTIONS. Why they have to roll out the system NOW is beyond me. Why can't they just WAIT until they figure out all the kinks!??!?! Oh yeah, it's cuz they're FUCKING IDIOTS.

5. What the FUCK is up with them CLAIMING, "oh we listen to our students!" and then making MORE mandatory classes with "TBLs" and "PBLs" when the students before us said they were USELESS and NOT NECESSARY!??!

6. What the FUCK is up with them telling us, "oh, independent study is very important. You'll find all your independent reading material in your packets and online." AND THEN NOT GIVING US THE MATERIAL IN OUR PACKETS.... AND MAKING THE ONLINE MATERIAL UNAVAILABLE. WTF!!!! I really should actually write an email to someone about this because it's really idiotic that we can't access this material because someone fucking programed a link wrong.

7. What the FUCK is up with our Path CD... and that RIDICULOUS email that they sent out about how to use it. WELL WE OBVIOUSLY KNOW HOW TO FUCKING OPERATE A CD. THE PROBLEM IS, YOU DIDN'T CATEGORIZE THE CD VERY WELL... AND YOU DIDN'T PUT AN INFLAMMATION FILE IN THE CD (inflammation is our current block). So obviously we're going to fucking ask what's up with the CD when we can't find the images we need for this current material. WRITING AN EMAIL ABOUT HOW TO OPEN A CD IS NOT FUCKING USEFUL. Oh yeah, and the ONLY place there was a link to the inflammation images WE'RE REQUIRED TO LOOK AT was deeply embedded in an email you sent to us before the block even started. Nope, the link is NOT online. Nope, the link is NOT on the CD. And NOPE, YOUR FUCKING STUPID EMAIL DID NOT ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION.

Okay I am finished.

Wow, I feel ridiculously better.