Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Headaches and bets

So I'm currently taking neuroscience aka neuroanatomy aka useless course about the brain and I'm pretty sure the coolest stuff I've learned so far is about headaches. Mainly because I have so many headaches and they're so awesome. Okay, clearly they're not awesome, but sometimes I feel so miserable, I want to pull my brain out of my skull (and thus awe-inspiring, thus awesome to learn about).

Anyway, discovered pretty definitively that I have tension-type headaches. It makes me feel better knowing I can name it something and knowing that I'm doing basically everything I can about them. It also makes me feel better that I don't have like, an epidural hematoma or something ridiculous like that. Although, it would still be cool to get an MRI or CT of my brain and see if I have some, like, genetic defect of my brain that cause me to have headaches (names of these syndromes I have completely, utterly forgotten). Sometimes, other people's misery makes yours look so... stupid.

One thing that was mentioned in conjunction with tension-type headaches is that the victims (me) are at high risk / show higher incidence of depression. Very interesting piece of information because I'm highly depressive about school. But see, now that I know that my depression stems from my headaches, it makes me feel a lot better about it!! And thus, I feel like I can try to tackle it head-on. I'll let you know how it goes.

In other news in my life, Tom and I have several bets going on. First bet came when he read some article (I never read articles anymore and so thus must rely on Tom for all outside-wordly-information) about how scientists discovered that junk food is addicting or something equally ridiculous. I told him that I thought it was ridiculous so he bet me that I couldn't go a month without eating chips. See, this is a pretty powerful bet because I basically eat chips like it's my job, especially when I get stressed out (which is pretty much all the time). I have exactly... 13 days left on this bet (I have an app on my iTouch that tells me).

We also have another bet going because somewhere in my bizarre mind, I decided that I'm going to start working out in the mornings. When I told this Tom, he promptly laughed in my face and said, "You won't be able to go a WEEK getting up that early to work out." And thus, I am now on my 3rd day of going to bed at 10pm and waking up at 6:30am to work out. So far, it's actually been... kind of awesome!

So basically all this betting tells me that I need external motivations to make me do things I don't generally like to do. Someone should bet me that I won't pass neuro because I have a test tomorrow and I really, really, really could not care less right now!

1 comment:

  1. Those are some pretty awesome bets! When you learn about allergies, or if you've already learned, let me know why my allergies to the cats in my apartment seemed to have faded over time while I'm just as allergic to other cats. :-D
